Tag: Phone sex games

babysitter fun cums full circle

fantasy phone sex

Once upon a time, I learned how to be a complete little slut. Fantasy phone sex is especially nice with tempting tempest because she has all sorts of dirty adventures and fascinating experiences.

You’re probably wondering what is a good one and how did something so sweet become so sinful. Well, my very first babysitter when I was a wee one showed me how to suck cock and show off my twat. Her boyfriend had a thing for little sweets like me.

I was groomed to suck his cock and spread my little butterfly for him. That’s what they called my pussy. I was coached into every step by my naughty babysitter. Eventually, it became a routine that I was obsessed with and wanted and craved. I learned all sorts of dirty things that I still, till this day, show other little sweeties now that I’m a babysitter.

Recently out of coincidence, I began to be the babysitter for the youngins of my old babysitter. Life comes full circle cause now I’m the babysitter that’s corrupting my old babysitter’s wee ones.

My pervert uncle has a big one

Tight shaved pussy

Everyone has a pervert in their family. Mine happens to be my uncle, who loves to fuck a nice tight shaved pussy. He’s always talking about how he likes them young and how his cock  throbs for pretty pink smooth pussies. I always ignore him and chalk it up to him being a pig. I never knew he was rocking such a huge dick. To think about it, I never even wanted to picture that. I got my close-up view of his cock one day when he was crashing at my parents’ house. I walked in on him jerking his dick, and when he saw me, he had the biggest smile on his face. My jaw hit the floor. How could he have such a thick long dick. It was the biggest cock I had seen. No wonder he likes young tight pussies. He loves to demolish them and use every inch of his cock in them. My naughty uncle asked me to watch him a jerk. I stripped down to my panties and bra and let him stroke his dick till he could no longer.

Silk Stockings

Kinky phone sexThese silk stockings feel so good when they are wrapped around my neck!
Every time this guy comes to town, I get a hand delivered note saying the name of the hotel and the time to be there.
I arrive at the hotel wearing my sexiest lingerie and wait in the lobby until a man comes to get me. He blindfolds me and leads me to a room where there is another man waiting.
I don’t know who he is but I know I am going to have a severely intense orgasmic experience!
I am ordered to remove my clothes as my body is tied, pulled tight and suspended from the ceiling.

Still blindfolded, I feel his fingers explore the lips of my moist pussy.

Then without warning, he slams his cock in my cunt! He leaves his meat deep inside me as the walls of my cunt start to tighten and clench his cock!Hot phonesex
My heart quickens as I feel my own stockings being wrapped around my delicate neck!
He pulls them tight as he starts to fuck me hard and fast.
His cock feels like steel as he repeatedly punishes my cunt and his grip on my stockings tightens with every fierce thrust!
I gasp for air and my entire body slips into convulsive orgasms just before I lose consciousness.
I am not sure how many ways he violates my body after that but the next thing I know, I wake up alone without a trace of anyone else ever being there…well, except for the wad of cum in my ass and the wad of cash on the dresser!
I do love when he comes to town!

Phone Perverts Paradise Annual Cock Eating Contest

Hot phonesexPhone Perverts Paradise Annual Cock eating contest! That is what the poster said! Gotta love this town!

That sounds like my kind of fun! I have to admit, I love sucking a big fat one! It goes back to Freuds Psychosexual stages…I had a problem at stage one…but it’s a long story. Basically, I have an overwhelming need to have my lips wrapped around a big fucking dick!

I didn’t care what the prize was, I just wanted to play the game and swallow all that cream! So I put on sneaks and ran faster than Forrest all the way to town!

When I got there, I saw all these girls in line doing mouth stretches and crap like that. Some were even walking around with fake rubber dicks in their mouths for practice! Ha! Amateurs!

You see the goal is to coax the cum out. It is like a scared little pet in its big safe home and you have to make it want to come to you…not timidly peek out but come rushing at you like a new puppy when you just get home!

All of us cum guzzlers took our places on our knees and then the men came in. There were cocks in hand for miles! Some of the little sluts left at the site of it but not me.Kinky phone sex

I just started sucking one cock after another, licking their yummy heads as they knobs grew to fit perfectly in my warm wet mouth, stroking their long shafts and rolling my tongue over each bulging vein. And when I could feel their cum rushing at me to fill my mouth, I just looked up at them sweetly with a “come feed me” grin.

I ended up coming in second place but I am not sure that was fair since the girl that beat me was that two headed girl that works at the carnival on the out skirts of town.

But I will take her next year…I just need lots of practice! Any volunteers?

Let’s Play Some Phone Sex Games

phone sex games

So I found myself thinking the other day about what kind of phone sex games we could play while we’re talking. I know sometimes things can get a little monotonous and need to be spiced up a little bit, and I’m ready for it!! It can be something as simple as over-the-phone trivia and we have to take a piece of clothing off every time we get a question wrong. Or maybe if we get a question wrong, we have to tell the other person something sexual you’d do to them if they were in the same room with you.
Do you have another game in mind? Tell me what it is and what the rules are, and I’m more than willing. As long as the game we play ends up with us having some sexy fun, I’m in! I’m sure we can come up with some kind of competition to make our phone fun a little more exciting. I can’t wait to hear your ideas and I really can’t wait to share mine with you. I’m ready to play with you right now! Just grab your phone, dial my number, and tell me you want to play some games!

Hottest Phone Sex Slut Grace

So, my older brother just pissed me off and I am not one to take this shit lightly, so I thought about a way to one up him. And when he had some friends over the other night, I found the perfect opportunity. He has a friend we will call Chris that has always checked me out. I waited until Chris came upstairs for a drink and asked if he could help me move something in my room. He of course followed me in. I shut and locked the door behind me and drew him in for a kiss. One thing led to another and soon we were on my bed with no clothes on at all. He actually had a nice sized dick, so I happily took it deep in my throat and started blowing him. Taking him nice and deep and as I gave him a great throat fuck. Once he shot his load in my mouth, I laid on my bed and spread my legs for him. He rammed that cock deep in my pussy as I wrapped my legs around him and we started to grind before I flipped him on his back and started riding him. Didn’t take long before he shot his load again. I kissed him again and he dressed to leave. I then picked up my phone which was recording the entire fuck, smiled and then sent that video to my sorry ass brother. It is so fun being the bratty slutty sister.

Hottest phone sex

Little Girl Phone Sex Fun

little girl phone sexDo you enjoy little girl phone sex? I can promise you that it makes being stuck at home more fun. My daughter is home early from college. All New York colleges and public schools are shut down for the rest of the term. My daughter is back home with me and she is making this quarantine shit bearable. Honestly, I would be lost with out my daughter here with me. I can’t go to Central Park to pick up dick. I can’t go to bars to get laid. I can’t even find a man on Tinder lol. This state is shut down tight. As tight as my daughter’s sweet tight young pussy. If I can’t get cock, at least I can have pussy. My daughter and I had a pussy eating contest last night. It was to see who could lick cunt the longest before coming up for air. She won. I thought because of my age and experience, I would last longer, but my jaw got sore after 5 hours. I still think 5 hours of eating my daughter’s wet pussy was impressive. My girl, however, was more impressive. She ate her mother’s pussy for 6 hours. She could have kept going too, but she won, and I had cum about 3 dozen times. Her face and hair were drenched in my juice. She looked like some one had dumped a bucket of water on her head. What did she win? She got to fuck her sexy momma with a strap-on. She didn’t do it for 5 hours, but she did fuck my ass for what felt like an eternity. It was only an hour, but she fucked my ass harder than some big black cocks have in the past. She is frustrated she can’t hang with her friends or go shopping. I just let her take it out on my asshole. After all, she did win the privilege. Plus, we are home together for a while. I will get her back.

P-mommy story

Phone perverts Paradise


I always let my little whores in training watch as this P-mommy gets fucked so hard by a big white swollen cock. I like to show them a visual of how to get fucked properly. After the visual of course it’s hands on from there. My three little sluts are at the edge of the bed and mommy is on the table laid on her back. My legs are spread open in the air. My favorite client is pounding this P-mommy’s insides with deep hard long thrust. I make my little cum whores play with their little smooth bald cunnys. I need them nice and hot for my client. I want his hard white swollen muscle to ease inside my girls with ease. After mommy gets fucked I let my client have his way with their tight smooth black cunts. Mommy is going to be swimming in dough. He pays top dollar every time he fucks my princesses. They love it to. One is licking his balls. The other is sucking his cock while he is eating the youngest ones pussy. He has bust three nuts into my girls. Since my mini me’s have done such a good job I am going to take them shopping and then home so we can play with each other’s pussy all night long. They enjoy playing with mommy.

The Hottest Phone Sex in the Yoga Studio

hottest phone sexThe hottest phone sex is always with an older woman. I was at the gym yesterday morning. I do yoga and Pilates to stay limber and pick up millennials. The yoga instructor yesterday morning at the gym was this buff long haired dude. He was helping me stretch and I felt the bulge in his shorts. I was in love.  I wanted his cock. I was pretty sure he wanted me too. Once everyone left the studio, he asked me to stay back. He offered me private lessons. I flat out asked him if that was code to fuck. He giggled and said that could be arranged. I was not interested in honing my downward dog. I wanted to fuck. I wanted his twenty something hipster cock in my hairy pussy. He locked the studio and we fucked on a floor mat. The studio was heated because it was hot yoga. We just put the hot in the hot phonesex. He told me he was hoping I had a hairy pussy. His cock was big and hard and sweaty. He drilled his cock in my pussy like a porn star. I was so hot, but damn, it was worth it. That’s the way to lose weight and stay in shape. Fuck yoga in 110 degree room. Fuck in a 110 degree room. I got filled with cum and lost 5 pounds.

Brown Bald Shaved Pussy

Bald Shaved Pussy

This Bald shaved pussy has had her share of dicks. I am talking every dick from different sizes to all kinds of colors. I enjoy them all. I enjoy even more when my hot Bald black cunny is filled up with all of your white cream until it is dripping down my legs. You see last night when I went to the club I got so fucking drunk. My ass could barely stand or walk. I ended up going to a nice hotel downtown for the night to crash. No way my drunk ass could drive all the way back home. Not only that I was horny as hell!. I was hoping to met some rich guy to fuck the shit out of my cunt and fill her up like the cum filled cunt she is. By her I mean this tight black pussy. Needless to say I ended up fucking the Valet guy. Right there in my hotel room. He had the biggest vanilla cock and it felt so good, warm and smooth going in and out my pussy. I let him nut inside of me. I guess it was the liquor. I’m a little excited because if I am pregnant I will have a little whore or sissy boy to raise.