Slipping the glass in and out of my pussy, I feel the sensation of pleasure well back up into me. I cum, letting the juices just flow down the smooth surface of the dildo. Coating it in more lubrication of my own fluids.
It’s always a fun time when I’m using my glass toys. I love the feel of the coolness entering into my cunt, for it to warm back up just by that heat alone. The hardness as I’m able to pound it into my cervix, with no real push back. It’s an implement I love having when masturbating on my own.
It’s also one that just never gets dry. Keeping this fuck hole wet is it’s job, anyways. Which it does a good job of. Even give it pats on the head for a well done self fuck session.
Should see it work it’s magic with me when we have mutual masturbation with each other.