Kinky Phone Sex Story About the Most Surprising Big Cock

kinky phone sexI love kinky phone sex. I had a caller earlier today who wanted to know about the biggest cock I have ever had. There have been a bunch of big cock boys in my life. I told him about some of the black lovers I have had in the past, and that led him to ask me about the most unexpected big cock I ever encountered, and that was not hard to answer at all. I remember it like it was yesterday and it was 6 years ago. This boy Davy was a friend of my daughter and he was over often. He was a nerdy boy. They went to high school together. She never dated him, but I always suspected that he had a crush on her. Sweet boy.

Turned out, he was into this phone sex milf and that was why he was always coming over. He was not bold like most boys. He should have been. I would have enjoyed getting to that big boy cock sooner than I did. Holly molly was I blown away when he did show me his cock. I asked a few questions, and he admitted that girls were afraid of his dick. His brother told him that he needed a mature woman, and he wanted me to be his first. I asked him why it took him so long to make a move on me. He just sheepishly admitted that he was shy. I was not shy, however, when I saw that big cock. No fucking way was I shy.

I showed him that his brother was right. He needed a milf phone sex slut with some experience under her belt. Hell, I struggled to get him in my mouth. This boy still had a few more years of growing too. Last my daughter told me, he was in college upstate. He should be a porn star. I slobbered all over his cock. I did the best I could with it though. I sat on his cock, and he fucked me until I was speaking in tongues. I measured him at over a foot long when he was in high school. I fucked him for a couple years, until he went to college. He was young, hung and full of cum for me. I will never forget him either. Most surprising big cock of my life.

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