Your Phone sex addiction

Cheap Phone SexMost guys think because I am Asian that I am just a quiet geek.. Truthfully I am an anime whore.. I am as freaky as it gets! I was using the sauna in my apartment building when another guy walked in.. He was wearing a white towel wrapped around his waist.. All I could see was his dick print. It was as if the hotter the room got the more his dick grew. I tried to pretend like I had fallen asleep with a pair of dark shades on..

He started stroking his cock right in front of me. I was wearing a white bikini.. Idk if he was jacking off to the sight of me or if he had just got aroused for another reason. Watching him stroke his cock while making fake snoring noises didn’t last long.. I accidentally let out a light moan.. He was shocked to know I had been watching the entire time.. I stood up, walked over to him and started stroking his cock for him.

I locked the sauna door so no other guests could enter.. I wasted no time and pulled the strings of my bikini, stripped down fully naked and climbed on top of his big throbbing cock. I slid my pussy on and off his cock at the perfect angle.. His outer cock was sliding up against my clit at a perfect speed and hitting my inner g spot! I orgasmed all over his dick.. Got down on my knees, sucked my pussy juice off his cock and finished him off!

No limits phone sex


    • Daddy on August 4, 2022 at 1:58 am
    • Reply

    You are an exquisite goddess.

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