Pop my ass cherry

blonde phone sex

Blonde phone sex with a wicked slut like me is tempting isnt it? If you’re looking for a virgin I am not at actually my pussy  has had a fair share of cock. Ever since I lost my virginity I have had cock after cock after cock. What can I say I got hooked I love the thrust of a nice big dick in my hole. When I begin dating this church boy I promised him that I would be better I just really wanted to deflower him in a way. Sure he was cute and he was fun sometimes boring but he definitely brought out an animal Instinct in me to try to get him to be bad. So I told him that he could pop my cherry sure it wasn’t my pussycat cherry but it was my asshole Cherry because I had never had cock up my shit hole.  There’s nothing hotter than turning a good boy into a bad boy.

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