Phone sex Games subby wife whore

Phone sex games

Phone sex Games subby wife whore is a perfect target for mean men. Men pick up on my submissive side and always push the limits. My limits. No matter if I’m married or not they know with enough power they can have whatever fetish they desire. My husband is a brutal man and doesn’t like me to play without him. But when the plumber came over to check my bathroom sink things took a turn for the kinky! 

I have a habit of showing my body off too much and when a handsome 6-foot-tall man is working on my pipes I get horny1 I want my pipes cleaned and ran through too!  I ran in there with some Iced sweet tea and talked to him. It was only five minutes sin when he stood up and asked me if my husband knew I was showing my tits off.

He slapped me hard across the face and told me that he would be punishing me. He said his ex had cheated on him and he was going to take it out on my blonde bimbo ass! So now I’m sitting on my couch tied up and the plumber is on the phone with my husband. I think this bitch is in deep trouble! What kind of sex games would you play with a submissive phone sex wife like me?

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