Kinky Daddy

little gir phone sexLittle girl phone sex is always so much fun for guys with big p-cocks. I think a Daddy daughter relationship is like no other. I often spend winter break at my Dads neck of the woods. Coming from divorcee parents its hard to balance time with my dad especially since he moved to the middle of nowhere. I spent the holidays home in Colorado then I ended up in Montana of all places. I met my Dads new girlfriend she was prim and proper and completely vanilla. I knew My dad had freak tendencies. I found that out when may parents were together. I not only found a slew of hardcore porn but I also would constantly hear my mom chew him out about his kinks.

I always wondered what it was that made my pops such a freak in my moms eyes. I got to find out this winter. My dad and I were home alone watching a movie. I made a comment about how I was peeing like a horse. I didn’t think much of it and went off to go pee again. I felt my Daddy follow me. I went about my buisness and started to pee. Before I new it my sick pops was on his knees trying to lick my pissy pussy. It felt so good that I didn’t rationalize what was happening. I was climaxing and filling my Daddy mouth with my golden fluids.

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