fetish phone sex kind of weekend

fetish phone sex

Daddy likes it when I wear my cute little outfits he’s so into having me be his little girl forever. When I get an ageplay call it gets me really horny because I am the kind of girl that likes to keep daddy’s cock in my hand. Pump pump pump daddy all over me. If you want I can put pigtails on and talk like I am your cute tot.

Papa why don’t you bend me over and take a look at the pink rosebud of mine you know you can stick a finger up in there or even nine. There’s no way I will say no. Go and fuck me like a little hoe.

Momma doesn’t have to know. It’s a secret bond between you and me and that’s how it’s going to stay. Push that cock deep in each hole of mine. You know I am your fine little slut who brings those fetish phone sex fantasies out to play.

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