submissive phone sex Mommy New Years!

submissive phone sexThis submissive phone sex Mommy knows just what your kinky ass needs! I am putting myself in bondage for New Years day! What a special treat it is for me to strip and use this festive purple rope! Watch me lace my tits up and use my Pink gag! Oh wow, looks like your cock is getting so hard for mommy! Now for the fuzzy handcuffs while I stroke you off. Damn that cock is getting harder and harder for me! WHo knew you would enjoy this so much, baby? Keep going like this and my strokes will make you explode already. Let me slow it down and edge you. Wow, what a dirty little freak you are for this subby whore mommy. Fuck it, my mouth is drooling for a taste of your fuck rod. I need my boys cock in my mouth, oh you taste heavenly!

Time for mommies gag to be put back in so she can stroke you with her bongage gear and handcuffs on! I love watching you get so ready to spurt for your own kinky subby whore! WHo knew having a slut momma who is into BDSM could be so fucking fun!? Spray your sperm all over my hands and tits! Let’s start this new year off with a lot of cum for elizabeth!Let me rub that slimy cum all over mommies big tits! I’m a shiny glazed submissive whore for my very own son On New Year’s day 2023!

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