Phone sex humiliation is what he got

phone sex humiliationMy latest sugar daddy has a really little dick but a big fat wallet so I make him call me for phone sex humiliation all the time. It’s one of the ways he pays me for my time. Of course I make him take me to fancy restaurants and we go shopping, he also pays for my hair and my nails too, he even pays for my dog to get groomed cus he is totally whipped. One thing he doesn’t get to do tho is fuck me. He has a tiny little dick why would I want to fuck that? I do tell him all about my sex life tho, sometimes I even send him pictures of my lovers and pics of us fucking just to make him insanely jealous. He cries and tells me how much he loves me and throws money at me in the hopes that I will stay faithful to him but we both know that will never happen. Besides I like things the way they are, I get to fuck anyone I want to fuck and I get to spend all his money while I’m at it. It’s a win win for me so why would I ever give that up for unsatisfying sex?

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