No limits phone sex with Miss Marilyn

no limits phone sex

Wanna play my brother on a hot, no limits phone sex call? I have a wild fantasy about being a young slut and getting cornered by my brother and forced to suck him off. That’s what happened a few years ago. I came home from soccer practice one day and got straight in the shower. I didn’t think anyone was home, so I left the door open. I had my eyes closed, letting the hot water trickle down all over my body when I heard the shower curtain open. I didn’t have time to do anything before there was a hand on the back of my head, tightly clenched into my hair and forcing me to the ground. I went to scream and felt a hard object ramming down my throat. I looked up and realized that my brother was the one holding me down and it was his cock down my throat. I tried to fight him but he pulled my head back and slapped me hard across the face. He said that he had been watching me and was so turned on that he couldn’t hold back anymore. He wanted my tight, virgin holes before anyone else could get them but first he wanted to feel my throat around his dick, draining him. He wrapped both of his hands deep in my hair and I fucked my mouth like it was a pussy. He moaned a little bit while he was shooting his hot, salty shot in my throat but you should have heard the deep, primal sounds he was letting out when he finally got to me. He took me into his bedroom, bent me over and worked his fat, hard dick into my virgin cunnie. My little pussy didn’t want to take his fat, mushroom head but he finally worked it in without it popping back out. I want to make you jerk your dick while I tell you about my brother fucking me so call me soon!

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