No limits phone sex with Marilyn

no limits phone sex

I’m sitting here watching kinky porn videos and playing with my hot pussy. I’m waiting for one of my favorite callers to hit me up. He just has to wait for his wife to pass out and then it’s time for some freaky, no limits phone sex with his favorite slut! I love talking to married guys. They’re always so much fun! His wife is lame and never fucks him anymore but that’s ok. I’m always there, late at night to tease his dick and make him cum for me! He loves roleplaying with a young, kinky slut like me. We pretend that I’m his freaky step daughter, sneaking into his room to ride his hard dick. I make sure he can hear me finger fucking my hot, wet cunt. I moan and squeal for him, like a dirty slut while she’s snoring away like a sad, old hag. If your wife doesn’t do it for you anymore and you need a nasty, little whore to get kinky with tonight, I’m only a call away…



    • Matty on June 10, 2022 at 9:54 am
    • Reply

    I’m gonna call you when my stupid wife goes to her sister’s.

    • Terry on June 10, 2022 at 10:37 am
    • Reply

    i want to put my mouth on you hot wet cunt.

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