No limits phone sex slut Marilyn

no limits phone sex

It doesn’t matter what kind of kinky or unique fantasy you have, we’re going to have lots of fun together! I’m a no limits phone sex slut who loves to get nasty, no matter what the role play is. My favorite thing to do is lick your dirty shit hole clean while I stroke your stiff, throbbing rod. I’ll work my tongue around your balls and all the way up the shaft to lick the precum dripping down. My finger will be sliding in and out of your asshole while you slide that fat dick in and out of my slutty mouth. I’m going to slobber all over your hard dick so that it’s nice and lubed up for me to sit on it! After I bounce my ass up and down that fat dick and make you spurt that hot shot of cum in my tight hole, I’ll turn around and lick that cum, shit and ass juice off of you. Hurry up baby, this nasty bitch is waiting for you!



    • Nick on December 17, 2021 at 7:11 am
    • Reply

    Marilyn gets me off so hard.

    • Carl on December 22, 2021 at 8:49 am
    • Reply

    I want your cunt in my mouth

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