Mutual masturbation phone sex

No limits phone sexMy fresh Bald shaved pussy has been craving a cum load.. I need this pretty kitty coated in thick cream. I’ve invested in a dildo that squirts during our sessions.. I truly just cannot wait to ride this 12 inch dick and press the button so my pussy can be filled to the rim.

I Have the dirtiest Orgy fantasies that I would love to share with you.. The thought alone of multiple men fucking me hard while their wives are present sends me over.. A little secret of mine is, I truly wouldn’t mind if your littles are there.

I would love to train them to be good little whores for daddy. I could only imagine their little lips pressed up against my clity so soft, small and gentle.. While daddy is pounding my pussy! I am in the mood for some No limits phone sex.. While we mutually masturbate to the thought alone..

Tell me whatever it is you have in mind.. I am willing to do anything and everything for a cum load. The dirtier the better! 

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