Mommy Issues Phone sex whore

Phone sex whoreMommy Issues Phone sex whore chronicles. Yes it is time for good boy David to lavish in his mommy kink. If you read down a few blogs or maybe more, you will see that I am enamored by his deep embedded mommy lust. Connecting with David gives me unrelenting pleasure. I have seen his mommy shrine. Excuse me his jack off all over pregnant pictures of his mommy alter!

A place to worship her feminine Divinity. It’s almost like she cast a spell on him as soon as his penis slid through her vagina. I have to admit David’s mommy is fucking hot. I have seen his son comes splatter all over the pages of her pregnant with him. He needs his mother to know that every woman he fucks is always going to be her in his mind. After I fuck my own sons Will this happen to them? Or if I never fuck them well this still happen? It’s a great honor and if it does I want my boys to tell me. Because there is nothing like your own kin lusting and pretending to fuck you with another’s vagina. 

If I could write a letter to David’s mother it would read… 

I hope this doesn’t come as a shock to you but I have something to tell you. Do you know that day you put your leg up on a side of the tub and shaved your bikini line! Your son was in the bathtub and that memory is imprinted on him forever. Did you know that? Did you get aroused by the fact that your son couldn’t stop staring at your hairy bush? I have so many questions for you. All those close encounters were just one little detail could have pushed you onto his cock make me think that you know your power you have over him. 

It’s time for you to give your body to him it’s been way too long. Let David push you down and fuck your throat until you vomit. Pull your ass and hairy pussy up into the air and give him what he’s needed for so many years. Mommy’s pussy is a powerful tool but if you don’t use it you’re a fool! 

This Phone sex milf whore is most defiantly not a fool when it pertains to son cock! ????

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