Kinky Phone sex girls kidnapped and fucked

Kinky Phone sex

      Kinky Phone sex Mommy whore Elizabeth loves to put it down for her pervert daddies!   I grew up being an anal whore pass around for the men in my life. Mommy’s boyfriends couldn’t stay out of my bedroom. Many of them decided my ass was a safe place to deposit those cum loads. But I will never forget the night some strange man broke into our house and stole me and my baby sister. I was the one to wake up and have to get my baby sister ready for the man. He carried her out to the car and I followed him.  

Kinky Phone sex Mommy whore Elizabeth Kidnapped as a girl

I wasn’t even suspicious because my mother was a crack whore and often had her boyfriends pick us up often. Nights she needed someone to watch us because she was stuck at the trap house were weird.  But this man just wanted to get his money from my mommy and fuck us until were were almost dead.  When he decided he had enough payment he dropped us off at the entrance to the trailer park. Two naked baby girls walking the walk shame back home. The kicker? My mommy didn’t even know we were gone!   

All of this to say I know about kinky anal phone sex of all age groups!                       

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