Daddy phone sex Christmas

daddy phone sexDaddy phone sex christmas with Mommy Elizabeth. My babes work hard all year to bring that money in and please Mommy and her men. This year I thought I would do something different and give them the big Christmas they deserve. I went all out on a new Beautiful tree with all the shiniest decorations! This mommy slut even baked some cookies. Then, I went shopping for some new things for my sweet ones. A Video game console and a Doll house full of Babydolls. I’m so excited wrapping gifts and already seeing their looks on their faces Christmas morning. My excitement was cut short by a phone call from my ex boyfriend. You know the one who liked to watch me and my babes get off while he jerked. He says that he wants money or he is going to let everyone in town know what a skanky P-mommy I am. No matter how I tell him I’m broke he knows I have something worth money. And he has found a bankroll for us. He wants to split it 50/50. Now looking at all the money I dropped and how low my stash was, I can’t say no. My babes have had a break from p-daddies and it’s been nice. Mommy and her brats make love often so they are not missing out. But Something inside of me has been missing a cock in me and my brats at the same time. And well As I snort my last line, my mind’s made up for me. I hope they understand that Mommy works hard to provide and she just needs a little help sometimes. And a wet cunt from watching men get off on me and my brats. Tell Mommy ELizabeth what you want for christmas!

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