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My tight little Asian pussy is craving a thick load of creamy cum. Last night I went to the bar and got my pussy filled by a transgender! It was so fucking hot! Imagine having a man with all of the things a woman can offer. I squatted down in my high heel platform mules and deepthroated her cock in the ladies room. She fucked me so hard right in the bathroom stall! She had a nice thick long white cock…. I put a vibrator up her ass while she fucked me doggystyle and massaged her balls. I have a thick load of cum seeping out of my pussy and now I need a man to wrap my cum filled cunt around. I just can’t stop masturbating. I am so turned on. I was far too drunk to get her number… I need someone to get down and dirty with me… Suck all of this transgender juice out of my sweet little pussy! If I cant find a cock to fuck on I would love to plunge my pussy with a dildo while you talk dirty to me. I want you to degrade me and tell me how much of a dirty whore I am. I love getting fucked by perverted strange men.


    • Nico on July 7, 2022 at 10:24 am
    • Reply

    Asian pussy is tight as a drum.

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