BBC Sissy Phone Sex w/ Sweet Whore Lollipop

sissy phone sex

If we’re honest, I think most men like big black dicks and sissy training. Take my sweet little sissy slut Lollipop for an example of what a good little bitch looks like. With a name like that, you know she’s good at sucking. And Master Echo loves watching her little bitch suck.

Lollipop goes above and beyond for Master Echo. Before every visit she asks Master what to wear. Last night it was a feathery, silky robe. Then she did what I asked. She laid on her back like the pillow princess she deserves to be. And she pushed a toy deep into his sissy hole. I need that little starfish gaping open wide. How else will my friends be able to plow them. All Lollipop’s hard work is paying off. After taking 10 inch dicks all on his own, he’s earned a very special reward.

Usually I just cuck my sissies with BBC. For them to watch me get deep dicked until their begging to be fucked too. When their dicks are begging to get hard in chastity, I let them taste my pussy on that big black cock and lick the cream out of my creampie. But Lollipop had earned a deep dicking all on her own. I’m going to finally let him get what he wants. Lollipop will have my strap buried down her throat and a 11 inch thick cock deep in that stretched out shit hole. And then she’ll get to have her pretty face painted by string after string of pearls.

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