The Hottest Phone Sex in the Yoga Studio

hottest phone sexThe hottest phone sex is always with an older woman. I was at the gym yesterday morning. I do yoga and Pilates to stay limber and pick up millennials. The yoga instructor yesterday morning at the gym was this buff long haired dude. He was helping me stretch and I felt the bulge in his shorts. I was in love.  I wanted his cock. I was pretty sure he wanted me too. Once everyone left the studio, he asked me to stay back. He offered me private lessons. I flat out asked him if that was code to fuck. He giggled and said that could be arranged. I was not interested in honing my downward dog. I wanted to fuck. I wanted his twenty something hipster cock in my hairy pussy. He locked the studio and we fucked on a floor mat. The studio was heated because it was hot yoga. We just put the hot in the hot phonesex. He told me he was hoping I had a hairy pussy. His cock was big and hard and sweaty. He drilled his cock in my pussy like a porn star. I was so hot, but damn, it was worth it. That’s the way to lose weight and stay in shape. Fuck yoga in 110 degree room. Fuck in a 110 degree room. I got filled with cum and lost 5 pounds.

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