Submissive phone sex whore

No limits phone sex

I have this thing for superior white men.. It may come from all the rumors that surround him back home.. In my country a white man is everything a woman could possibly want.. I love having a white man on my hip and slaving for his superior white cum.

I want to be forced into submission and trained to be the best Asian whore for your juicy throbbing cock.. You are everything I desire! If you want to be appreciated and have someone ready to serve at you beck and call, then call me babe.. I will remind you over and over again why nobody is above you..

While I bury the toy of your choice deep inside my  Tight shaved pussy. I want to be your personal little sex slave the one who follows all of your orders. I am ready to serve you..  come join me in a Phone perverts Paradise. I am all yours baby! I wanna be your naughty little Phone sex whore…

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