Phone Sex Whore Lillian Loves Impregnation Phone Sex

Impregnation phone sexAs a lover of all things sex, impregnation phone sex is one of my hottest types of calls. I crave cum as it is, like I get withdrawls if I’ve gone a day or so without my favorite sticky icky juice.  It’s so sexy to think about making a guys dick hard and long. Throbbing cocks is my kryptonite. Whether it’s in my cunt or deep down my throat, when I feel that cock twitching and pulsating. I love feeling cocks grow and grow, especially when im deep throating it.

Gagging and choking on those cocks is my favorite thing to do. Being a phone sex whore though, I love the idea of impregnanting my cunt and putting a little peanut in my belly.  Guys love when I tell them I want them to put their juices deep in my cunt to give me part of him.  His sperm meeting my egg and making a mini version of the one who has their cock fucking the crap out of me.  Why is it so hot to think about you giving me your future namesake?  It could be the first night but it doesn’t matter but it is hot for me to think about getting your dick deep in me and exploding.

I feel like it’s risky and ties us together even if it’s the first time your cock goes inside my cunt.  Even if I don’t know your last name.  Even if I’m your mistress phone sex whore and you have a woman at home.  But yet I’m letting you cum in me and what that could do by giving us our peanut in my womb, something about it is so damn fucking hot.

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