Phone sex games with Dirty daddy during Hurricane season

Phone sex gamesPhone sex games with Dirty daddy during Hurricane season! My favorite teen lover John Had a Hurricane party with a bunch of teens and his youngest daughter. The Hurricane Handjob Hunnies were in full force as fourteen of them lined up to give that big thick daddy cock some stroking! Of course we all know the cock star for the most Jizzy is Lizzy! But she wanted to get on top and ride his daddy meat way too early. John had other ideas and told her to slow down and just enjoy the moment. Lizzy eventually agreed and moved to the back of the line of horny teen girls.

Phone sex games with Dirty daddy during Hurricane season

Talk about celebrating the storm in style. My John has so many young hands wrapped around his cock he didn’t care if God took them all right then and there. No one was worried as the windows rattled and the wind and rain pelted. Because they were all jacking a big man cock off an dseeing who would get the first load! And wouldn’t you know it, Jerking Jenny had her perky teen tits and face covered first. Jizzy Lizzy could have won, but her hormones have her crazy right now!

But his Wife would tell every one that it’s okay to stroke the daddy meat, she just didnt want anyone popping up preggers. And of course every girl knows how to keep a good secret. Just like this dirty mom during  Discreet phone sex! So they helped put a cock ring or two on his thick meaty rod and played who gets the cum shot next until the storm died down. I know many of my men would love to be in Johns position. How sexy it is for the Hurricane handjob hunnies to be getting cum loads during a fierce storm like that!

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