I see you there, buying groceries and not aware of the woman watching you. Do you have a girlfriend? A wife? Brats? I don’t care. My pussy is wet for you and this empty convenience store is the perfect place for me to fulfill my desires. I come up to you, talking casually about the items on the shelves. I pretend to fall and press my tits up against you when you catch me. You can surely feel my hard nipples in my shirt. I can feel your cock twitch while pressed up against you. I know you want to fulfill your desires too. I undress, revealing that I am completely naked under my clothes, no bra or panties. You look around to see if the store manager is looking, but I am completely focused on feeling your cock inside of me. I rub and play with my tits in front of you. This was too hard to resist as you quickly unbutton and pull down your pants. You lick and suck on my tits while I jerk off your cock. You push me up against the freezer and hold me up while you enter me, making me moan. The feeling of your big cock pounding my tight pussy makes my pussy so wet, making it easy for your cock to slide in and out of me. I beg to feel your cum inside of my pussy and tell you how desperate I am for your cock. You cum deep inside me and quickly pull up your pants. I look up at the security camera and realize why the manager was not around. I hope he enjoyed the show.