No limits phone sex with Marilyn

no limits phone sex

I’m Marilyn the no limits phone sex freak! Wanna hear about how my brother just caught me getting mounted and fucked by the family mut? I didn’t know that my brother was watching until afterwards. I had been home alone and watching some naughty videos when I got super horny. I pulled my panties off and reached up under my little school girl skirt to play with my wet cunnie. I had my eyes closed and my head leaned back when suddenly, I felt something warm and wet press against me. I realized that it was my furry friend and I know it’s wrong but I was so turned on that I didn’t stop him when he started lapping his tongue against my hot, little pussy. He licked faster and faster and it felt so good that I didn’t want to stop. He licked my wet cunnie until my legs started to shake and I started cumming! I guess the smell of my hot cunt squirting turned him on because I could see his big, red rocket dangling there and from the way he was drooling and panting, I knew what he wanted. I got on my hands and knees and let him mount me. I reached back and guided him into my cunnie. It hurt like hell but I was so fucking wet that I didn’t dare push him off of me. I didn’t think he could last very long but I was wrong! All I could feel were his claws digging into my back and his big cock digging into my insides and throbbing as he was cumming in me. I was stuck with that mut knotted up inside of me when I heard my brother standing in the doorway. I looked up and saw him jerking his hard dick and before I could say anything, he was walking up to me and shoving it in my mouth. I thought he would just fuck my slut face and pump his load into my mouth but I was wrong. He had me suck him hard and then he got behind me and plunged his hard cock right into my creamy cunt. I’m getting wet all over again thinking about how he thrusted in me a few times and then pulled his cock out and made me lick the cum off of him before he shoved it back inside. We could talk about anything you want but I want to talk about how I gave my whore pussy up to not only my brother but also, the family mut!

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