No limits phone sex with Marilyn

no limits phone sex

I love it when faggot, cum eater sluts call me for some no limits phone sex. Men that love sucking cock and swallowing big loads of cum, really turn me on! The cum lover bitch boy that I just talked to had me fingering fucking my hot cunnie and dreaming about pimping his slut mouth out to all of my friends! I can think of 8 or 9 guys that I can call at any time of the day or night and they will come over to shove their giant fuck rods down your throat for me. We both know how badly you want to feel a man’s hard dick sliding down your throat and how you need to feel that warm, gooey load rolling around in your mouth. Get down on your knees and open your mouth, you little fag slut! Miss Marilyn wants to watch you gag on dick and feed you some salty, sticky cum but you’re going to have to work for it! I’ll have those bbcs surrounding you and forcing you to your knees. It’s going to be so hot watching them dominate you and seeing them shoving the heads of their giant cocks into your mouth. I’ll help by jerking those huge dicks off all over your face. I’ll help you stroke and jerk them while your mouth is going back and forth, teasing each of them. Make sure you run your tongue all around the big, round heads while you’re stroking them! I’ll hold your face still to make sure they get to fuck your mouth nice and deep! Your cum loving, slut hole mouth is going to get filled and your face is going to be soaked in hot, creamy jizz shots! I can’t wait to see what a dirty, cum eating whore you can be for me!

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