No limits phone sex with Marilyn

no limits phone sex

Marilyn the naughty, no limits phone sex slut has a hot student- teacher scene in mind for us tonight! Let me be the slutty, little school girl that has to stay behind after class so that you can teach me the proper way to solve some special equations. That’s how my pervy math teacher ended up getting my tight, young cunnie after school today. He made sure to write the problems really high up on the board so that I had to reach up to solve them. He already knew that I wasn’t wearing any panties and could see my little ass hanging out of the bottom of my skirt. He walked up behind me and pressed himself into my back. I could feel his stiff dick poking into my little ass so I arched my back and started to rub up against him. He reached up my skirt and started to rub my wet cunnie. Then he pulled his dick out and started rubbing it up against my little, bald pussy too. My little whore hole was already soaking wet and I wanted him to fuck me so bad. I leaned back into him as he slid that huge meat stick into me and started thrusting. He held his hand over my mouth so that none of the other teachers would hear us. I could feel his cock pulsing and squeezed my little cunnie around him as hard as I could. I milked him into my tiny whore hole and I’m going to do the same to your big, thick cock! Hurry up and call because my pussy is wet and I can’t stop thinking about you being my kinky teacher! You can start by showing me how you divide my legs and add your cock to my soaked cunt!

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