Little Girl Phone Sex :Horny School Girl Memories

Little Girl Phone Sex

I was a very young girl in catholic school not too long ago when I started being a slut for cum and male attention! I was always told to be a good little girl, be respectful and polite but I know deep down I have always had these sinful urges to fuck and seduce men, to eat pussy and make girls cum, to get my ass gaped with hard cock. I did a good job of suppressing my urges until I was in my sophomore year, I had a best friend who liked to explore new things with me, her name was Maria. Maria and I loved to go to her house after school and sneak some of her parents wine and watch their dirty porn movies in her room. We loved seeing the naked bodies on screen be so filthy with each other so much that we decided to try some of the things we saw as soon as we could with a guy. Maria leaned in close and kissed my lips, “For now we can practice together.” She stunned me with her boldness, I kissed back and we started undressing each other. Our shirts open and our skirts pulled up exposing our little bald cunnies. I cried out when she stuck he fingers in my wet pussy, she smiled at me and I suddenly was feeling this intense pressure around her fingers, my little clit was so hard and all I wanted was more. Maria forced her fingers in and out of my pussy while stroking my clit and kissing my lips, I didn’t know what was happening when I came hard all over her fingers, my twat was quivering wildly in a way I had never felt before. When Maria pulled her fingers out they were covered in this sticky clear wetness and suddenly I wanted to know what it tasted like. I stuck her fingers in my mouth and licked them clean, she laughed and started playing with her pussy… To be continued

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