Impregnantion Paradise

Impregnation phone sex

You’re dreaming of cumming in my tight young twat, aren’t you? Every time you fuck my black twat you start begging to shoot your load into the depths of my wet goodies. I much rather have you spray it across my face or slurp out the last drop of cum but im ready to become a phone sex milf. as you push my legs behind my ears I tell you to breed my pink pussy until my hole is leaking cum. The thought of unloading inside of me is making your dick hard and steel! It feels like it has its own heartbeat and you cum so much inside of me that my belly gets full! I’m going to fuck you for hours and hours so that you breed my slutty snatch! It should not take too long before I’m impregnated baby. I want you to have a juicy pregnant pussy to fuck for 9 months! 


    • Jase on May 13, 2022 at 1:42 pm
    • Reply

    That ass knows how to take a big thick dick, yeah baby? I have one just for you.

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