Phone sex is the perfect job for me. I have always been a horny slut. I was masturbating long before most girls. I remember being a schoolgirl and experimenting with masturbation. I might not even have known the word masturbation yet. I had this life size Pink Panther that my father won for me at a fair. I got on top of it and humped it. Not sure how I knew to rub my pussy against it. It was instinct for me. I had an orgasm but did not know what at happened. I think I thought I peed myself. I kept rubbing my pussy against all sorts of items like a cat in heat. I used shoes, stuffed animals, and the shower massage. Any chance I had, I was playing with my pussy. I did not know most of the names for sexual parts and acts that I now know either. When I hit my teen years, I seduced my father. It was not easy, but I did. And once my father caved to my sexual charms, I had him wrapped around my little finger. My mom found out and took forced me into therapy, but her pride would not let her tell the psychologist that I was fucking my father. She just said I was a chronic masturbator. My mom was certain I was a deviant. The head shrink labeled me as a nymphomaniac, but said it was hormonal and I would grow out of it. I never grew out of it. I am still a horny woman who fucks who ever she can. High school teachers, college professors, friends’ husbands, stepsons, sons and boyfriends and friends of my daughter were not off limits to this horny seductress. I am married, but I am still a cat in heat fucking every stray male I meet. Being a phone sex milf for horny boys is the perfect job because I can play with myself at work. And I am always masturbating.
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