High Ass Hooker

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I love being a fucking hot sexy ass hooker. Everyone knows that if you want a hot piece of ass that I’m your girl. I love to be on the corner of my fucking street high as fuck in my tight fucking black skirt and white bra with no panties on. I see you pull up in your black car and stop right in front of me. You roll your window down and I can’t get in your car fast enough. As soon as I get in you tell me that you want to take me to your hotel and you will pay as much as I want to do anything to me. Of course, I say yes because I’ll do anything for a nice good fucking. When we get into your hotel you waste no fucking time and rip all of my clothes off. We do lines together before you make me get on my knees and suck your thick cock. God it taste so fucking good in my mouth and you pull out and rub your precum all over my lips like lipstick before pulling me up and fucking my cunt against a fucking wall while wrapping your hands around my throat choking me and telling me I am your fucking cum whore. We fuck all night long and my pussy and asshole are both filled it the fucking brim with your hot cum.


    • Billy on June 9, 2022 at 11:33 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for letting me fill you to the brim.

    • Stuart on June 10, 2022 at 10:54 am
    • Reply

    Love a bitch that can take drugs and fuck all night!

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