Discreet phone sex with Marilyn

discreet phone sex

Older men are so hot and kinky! Especially when they’re calling me for a quick, discreet phone sex call. Most old men only last a few minutes but that’s more than enough time for me to rub my hot, little cunt and make it squirt for them! I love making their wrinkled, old dicks hard and teasing them until they’re whining and begging to fuck me. That’s what I do to grandpa when my mom forces me to watch him. I’m home alone with him all day while she works, so I make it fun for both of us! I sit on his lap and grind my little ass on his cock. I let my skirt ride up and guide his hands up my thighs so that he can feel my little bald cunt through my panties. When I feel his old dick sticking straight out, I pull it out, sit down on it and start to ride! Grandpa loves it when I grind on his hard dick and let him cum in me. He may be old as fuck but his cock still works and the way he holds my hips and makes me grind on it is so fucking hot! I don’t have to watch him this week but talking about riding him is getting my little cunt all wet. I need a sexy, older man to call me so that we can roleplay about me being your slutty granddaughter and draining your balls when we’re all alone together!

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