Discreet Phone sex Milf and Teen FUN

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There’s nothing like a wet teen pussy. I know where to find the best. My sweet darling Juniper. She’s my daughter’s best friend and she’s always been my go-to teen slut. It’s a dream come true that they’re both the same age. The things that this girl knows how to do.  Her hurricane tongue is great for pussy and ass! And Juniper can take cock just as hard as I can!

I don’t know how she learned them. Because it wasn’t from me! A true wild soul, this girl knows how to have fun. I’ve never seen a pretty pink teen pussy like that in my life. Any perfect pussy should be pink. Tighter than you would imagine. She must be doing a lot of Kegels. She’s the kind of teen that you like to work on and you want to see her get nice and creamy. Don’t you? You can see what my girl and I have to offer.

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