Diaper phone sex mommy Marilyn

diaper phone sex

You can call me sexy Mommy Marilyn. Nothing turns me on more than hearing those tabs pop on that dirty boy diaper. I know you’re wet, I could tell when you crawled up to me. I’m going to take these wet wipes and get you all cleaned up for our next kinky encounter! They don’t call me the hot diaper phone sex Mommy for nothing. I always have a fresh, clean diaper and powder on stand by, waiting for my newest naughty little one! I bet you love the way that thick diaper feels rubbing on your tiny, hard pee pee! Mommy wants to reach in and stroke your itty bitty dickie until you make a sticky mess. I’m not going to change you again so soon. You’ll have to sit in that sticky cummy diaper until your next change. Time for naughty little ones to go to bed! I’ll take your paci out of your mouth so you can suckle mommy’s nipples while I rock you to sleep. Mommy will be up all night, taking phone calls. Sweet dreams little one!



    • Brian on April 29, 2021 at 11:05 pm
    • Reply

    put a diaper on me mommy

    • Timothy on April 20, 2022 at 1:40 pm
    • Reply

    I want you to take me diaper shopping with your hot friends and change me in a public restroom.

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