Daddy phone sex got a sissy son to milk

When I got on Daddy phone sex I found a daddy with a sissy bitch son. “I have been training him since he was a wee little thing, ” he says to me as he introduced him to me. “I have picked out a perfect sissy outfit for you” I say while starting to take his clothes off. Once her ass was ready, I made her show daddy and I her body. “Bend over and show me that ass” I clap and say.

Daddy phone sex

Then you bend over and spread your ass cheeks showing off your sissy cunt. “That hole has been used up very well. I can tell ” I laugh and wink to his daddy. I was very excited it made my nipples and ladycock hard. “Show our sexy guest what daddy has trained your mouth to do” he tells his sissy offspring. Right away her mouth opens up and sucks my shedick in his mouth deep. It was so good it made my lady balls tighten up.

“I think it is time you take those panties off” I say as I pop my tranny cock out your mouth. Therefore, daddy helps you take them off and bend over. Then he starts licking your hole and making it wet. His cock is in his hand, and he is eating your sissy ass like I’m sure he has done many times. After you are wet and opening, he guides my girl cock in you.

I just grab your hips and start pounding away at you. “Impregnated my sissy son, make her a family breeding bitch” your daddy moans out as he cums all over his hands. Knowing he wanted me to fill up his sissboy with my girly sperm made me explode. After you felt my tranny cock burst thick gooey nut in you, you creamed yourself. “Clean us up sissy bitch made” I say as you drip with cummy mess from that Bald shaved pussy.

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