Cheerleader revenge

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My bald shaved pussy is one that will make any p-cock rise. You can’t handle yourself around a girl like me. My neighbor Larry learned the hard way. Sure, he’s a recovering alcoholic, but once he gets some liquid courage back, he looks for the next teen twat to explore.

Larry is my frenemy’s dad, and I secured revenge when I figured out her dad would do anything once he’s got some booze in his system. The horny fucker wanted to run off and marry me. What a joke. All I wanted was revenge, and I saw that larry had a nice big cock on him, so that was only icing on top of the cake. The cherry on top was letting him fuck me so good that he ended up forgetting the doggy cam catching us go at it. It sucks to suck, but it made me happy to know that his daughter Lauren would be so distraught that she wouldn’t be cheer captain, and now I am the new hot cheer captain.

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