Anal phone sex What about that ASS?

Anal phone sex is hot as tea around here. Imagine this in my fantasy.  As we rolled around naked in bed, our bodies pressed tightly against each other, I couldn’t help but feel Anal phone sexa thrill of excitement. Your hard cock rubbed against my wet pussy and ass, teasing me with its size and strength. You whispered dirty things into my ear that made me shiver with anticipation. When you suddenly pushed your massive 12-inch dick into my tight little hole, it felt like nothing else before – raw power filling every inch of me up to the brim!

I gasped at the sensation as you slowly thrust deeper inside of me; it was both painful and exquisite all at once. My eyes widened as I looked up at you from beneath hooded lids filled with desire for more while feeling your hands roam over every curve on my body encouraging moans from deep within myself . The stretching sensation caused by such a large object penetrating so deeply sent shockwaves through out entire being making sure knew this wasn’t just any ordinary fuck session but something truly special between us two adventurous lovers who weren’t afraid explore new boundaries together.

As you began to pick up speed, slamming into me harder and faster than before, I couldn’t help but moan louder. The friction between our bodies was intense; every stroke sent waves of pleasure coursing through my veins while your massive cock stretched me wider than ever imagined possible. It felt so good being taken like this – owned by such a dominant force yet still wanting more! My pussy ached for attention too but right now all I could focus on was the feeling of fullness in my ass as you took control completely .

When we finally broke apart for air (or maybe just because we needed it), your lips met mine once again in another passionate kiss filled with saliva-swapping tongues dancing against each other’s mouths amidst heavy breathing from both parties involved . Our hips grind together uncontrollably seeking release even though there wasn’t any contact between our genitals at that moment anymore – testament enough how much power those few moments shared had over us both emotionally & physically alike !

Without warning or asking permission first, I wrapped one hand around base of shaft and began sucking on the head of your cock like a pro , taking as much length into my mouth as I could handle . The taste of pre-cum mixed with saliva made me even more turned on knowing how close we were to reaching our climax together . My free hand reached down between us, finding my clit once again; rubbing it roughly against swollen folds until they ached for release just as badly yours did from pounding away at my ass cheeks relentlessly !

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