Hog Tied And Made to Watch

kinky phone sex

I have the best kinky phone sex stories for you. I got myself in a bit of a hogtied situation. My skanky P-mommy ass owed some money to the local drug dealer. I offered my pussy but he was not happy with that especially since he fucks me all the time. This time he had me strung up and had sold two hours with my son and daughter to a wealthy businessman. The only catch was I was to be tied up and made to watch as my littles were forced to do every sexual act the man and his four friends wanted with my little sweet monsters. I had to instruct my offspring that they were to act like they never been touched before. I watched as every hole on my daughter was opened and fucked and my son was drilled in the ass and made to suck every cock two or three times. I could smell the cum in the air. My high had wore off and I wanted in on the action, but my punishment was to be tied like this and made to watch every thing. When it was all over my dealer said if I used my mouth to eat all the cum out and off of my babes that he would make sure I got real nice and high. I did just that. I loved cleaning my brats up and My cum craving went away as I lapped every drop up.

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