By Candlelight

Hottest phone sex

The date went wonderfully.  It was a blind date, and to be honest I really wanted to cancel, but I am so glad that I didn’t.  I was the first one at the restaurant.  I wanted to be able to see you before you saw me.  I sat facing the door.  When you walked in, I was very much impressed.  You looked so very handsome.  However, just having looks does not mean you have a brain.  I didn’t want eye candy, I wanted someone that I could possibly form a relationship with.  As the Hostess lead you to the table you began to smile, the closer you came to the table the bigger your smile became.

The dinner was magnificent. You were funny, kind, sweet, but there was a hint of mischief in your eyes.  After we had our meal, you asked me if I would like to go on a walk.  I told you I would love too.  We walked in the cool night air, stopped for a coffee, then you walked me back to my car.  You gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked if you could call me for another date.  I told you yes.  When I got home my phone was ringing.  It was you.  You said you couldn’t stop thinking about me.

I admitted that I couldn’t stop thinking about you either.  I am not sure if it was the wine, or the coffee or just the fact that I was horny, I invited you over to spend the night.  You didn’t speak for a few minutes, and I thought I had ruined it.  You then said you would be right over.  We hung up, then five minutes later you were calling again, I forgot to give you my address.  I laughed and gave it to you, then got ready.  I lit the candles and put on some of my expensive lingerie. 

I heard you ring the doorbell.  I told you to come in, I was standing in my living room with the candlelight sending it’s flickering light cascading over my body.  You stopped dead in your tracks, smiled, then came to me.  We kissed, then moved on to having the most incredible fuck session.  You were passionate, attentive, and your cock felt so good.  When we woke up in the morning, we fucked again, then you had to leave for work, and I too had to get ready for a meeting.  You texted me later on asking if I would like to meet for drinks tonight, my answer was Yes.

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