Creampie Phone sex whore

No limits phone sexEver had a Creampie slut that made you suck your own but right back up after filling up her pussy? Well, that’s what I am in the mood for baby.. Bend me over and drag your throbbing dick up and down the center of my freshly waxed pussy.. Then pop the head of your dick into this tight pink hole.. I am going to tense the muscles up inside my pussy and put your cock in a choke hold..

Grab onto my hips and slam your stuff dick in and out of my fuckhole and make me whimper.. You are going to have me pleading begging for mercy.. Once you blow you load inside my cunt and you are weak.. That’s when I am going to reverse the role and have you down on your knees.. WIth my pussy hovering over that face of yours. Stick your tongue out so I can leave that thick layer of cock cream all over your mustache.. Let’s get naughty!

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