Come here baby, I can see in your eyes that you have a passion for blasphemy and taboo. Enter into my lair and let me guide you into the darkness. I will leave the door unlocked, follow the candles to your altar. I hear you open the door and slowly make your way towards me. Very hesitant are your footsteps but I know you can’t resist. Then you appear at my doorway, eyes wide with excitement but head hung a little low with shame. Enter I tell you. You see me as your eyes adjust to the low-lit room. I watch as your eyes go from my feet to my beautiful bald wet pussy that I have spread wide for you. Undress for me I tell you and you quickly obey. After undressing you look up and I have put a rosary in front of my clit, draping the beads to my tits. Now get on your knees and atone for your shortcomings. You look confused but I reach my hand to you, guiding you between my legs. Putting the cross into your hands and wrapping the beads around then. I softly show you how to push them inside my pussy. Now worship me and pray as you retrieve each and every bead slowly from me. Now shall we begin?