I’ll Be Your Phone Sex Addiction

phone sex addictionDo you have a phone sex addiction? I understand why you would. Dirty talking women who do what your wife won’t do are addicting. I am addicted to lots of things. I can’t go without fucking several times a day. My mother took me to a shrink when I was a young school girl because I was humping things. She busted me rubbing my bald cunt up and down her dinning room table leg once and called me the devil’s spawn. I had been humping things for a year before she caught me and took me to a doctor who labeled me “sexually precocious.” I didn’t know what the term meant. A few years later, she took me to another doctor who labeled me a “nymphomaniac.” Now, I understand I am just a sex addict. A therapist once told me that I look for love and acceptance in random sexual encounters. The damn bitch tried to tell me I had low self esteem. It was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I fucked men and humped things because I was horny. Still do. I had an itch that needed to be scratched. Daddy was happy to scratch that itch several times a day. The only problem was that the more daddy fucked me, the more I wanted to be fucked. I wasn’t looking for love in all the wrong places as the song goes. I wanted to get off. Daddy knew this. Mommy was a prude who needed to have an orgasm instead of trying to thwart mine. Decades latter, I am still chasing cock. Momma never tamed the whore sex addict in me. As much as I love phone sex, it just makes me want dick more.  Luckily you aren’t like my mother. You don’t want me to be a good girl. You want me to be a whore. I want to be one too.

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