Group sex: wet, sticky, cocks and pussy galore.

Group sex          Group sex: wet, sticky, cocks and pussy galore. As long as everyone has a turn those cocks and pussies can keep coming. It must be remembered we are all horny as fuck taking it in every hole. We’re not a circle. More like a ball.            

            First we start with me on all fours, a cock in my ass, one in my pussy, you beneath me. A sweet young pussy sitting on your face as I lick on her clit and you into her pussy.

            Next we have her sucking on a cock. 😉 Your brothers’ cock is all the more fun. A friend of his pegging him from behind, bent over backwards so that she is able to be licking on another woman’s asshole. Stimulating her. She is being fucked by another.

            Now we roll around shifting and fucking. Everyone is fucked in a one hole or another some having more than one cock in each hole at a time. With this in mind we are able to have great fucking orgy fantasies time and time again. Let’s fuck hard, long, and often.

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