Get dominated on Anal phone sex by hot tranny Rome

Anal phone sex

Get dominated on Anal phone sex by hot tranny Rome. That pathetic little cock of yours could never compare to my 13-inch girl cock, you can always try to please a woman, but it would never work due to that little thumbtack. You deserve a woman who’s going to dominate you, who will only allow you to cum whenever she says so. I take my huge fucking cock and push it inside of your tight man pussy, you moan and scream out while my huge and thick tranny dick pushes in, stretching out your pathetic hole while that tiny little cock of yours leak with pre-cum. Just by me pushing inside of you is going to make you cum? Haha! You’re so fucking pathetic; I know how much your love Fetish phone sex and being treated like a worthless slut, but this is hilarious! You’re about to cum just from this. How about you give me a call and finish this with your teeny dick shooting out the biggest load it can give me, if it even can!

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