
Hello Im Gertrude, The one, The only! I am never been afraid to try new things. Actually I love to try new things. The problems is I dont believe there are new things to try! Once you get to a certain point you just assume you have done it all. I have gotten to that point a few times. But someone actually comes thru and surprises me. I think back over my life and events pop in my head. Things I will never forget. And can barely explain. an orgy with midgets. Fucking a pilot mid air. One wild fucking night at the circus. Clowns really do know how to have fun. I have had every whole stretched open gaping, begging for more. I have fucked and sucked my way around the world. And it has been one hell of a ride. And I am still going strong. I cant wait to tell you all about it!


    • josh on July 16, 2021 at 11:40 pm
    • Reply

    sexy gilf

    • Chemistrygntlemn on July 8, 2022 at 9:38 pm
    • Reply

    old and horny just how i like them

    • Gary on March 17, 2023 at 4:53 am
    • Reply

    I see that you were working in July but when are you working now? I checked in the morning I’ve checked in the evening I’m checked in the afternoon. What on earth is your schedule?

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