Do you have a phone sex addiction? I know I do. It is no secret I am a sex addict. I have been fucking since I was a little girl. I was always horny. I came out of the womb that way. When I was in high school, I discovered some 900 numbers in the back of my dad’s dirty magazines that he kept hidden under the bed. That was the only way to advertise this kind of business before the Internet. I had no idea they were charging my parents’ landline for all my late-night sex calls. I was too horny to think things through. I was busted a month later after my parents got a $4,000 phone bill. Back then you were calling women in some foreign country, and it was like $6 a minute. My mother assumed it was my father. I heard them yelling. I did not want my father in trouble for what I did, so I confessed my love for phone sex. My mother had already taken me to a shrink for chronic masturbation. I was diagnosed as a nymphomaniac and given some pills that did nothing but make me hornier. My mother was done with me. She was convinced I was possessed by a demon. I only had sex on the brain. My father and I had been fucking under her nose for a few years at that point, but he was upset with me too. He was more concerned with the money than the immorality of it like my mother. He told me I could talk to him. But I was not asking these phone chat women questions. I was eating their pussies and licking their asses. I was discovering I was bisexual. When I told my father that, he got the biggest erection. After that day, I started bringing home schoolgirls to play with while my father watched and jacked off. I am still bisexual, just now I play with my daughter in front of her brothers, her father, and her friends. Almost 40 years later, and I am still a bisexual sex addict who loves incest.