Daddy’s favorite girl

Daddy phone sex

There is nothing sweeter than the taste of my daddy’s cum all over my fucking juicy sweet brown lips. I love sucking my daddy’s thick long rod. I love it even more when he explodes in my mouth. Just a few minutes ago daddy came into my room as usual with his dick in his hand. I was already lying on the bed playing with my fat juicy wet cunt. I already knew he would be in my room at a certain time. So i was getting my juices flowing. Daddy walked up to me with his dick in my face already on hard and I instantly got wet and started sucking. I was trying to suck the skin off his bone he tasted so good. Then in walks my sister. I get even more excited. The more the merrier. She sat down on the bed and started watching me suck Dad’s penis. She Played with her pussy.I knew she wanted to feel dad inside of her. I did to. We both bent our asses over the bed as he drilled the fuck out of our pussy’s. I love Daddy phone sex. I love the way he fucks me. I can tell you so much more about me and daddy.

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