Come get me preggers with Impregnation Phone Sex Daddy!

Impregnation phone sex

Would you like to bend me over, fill me with all of your baby batter and have impregnation phone sex with me? Filling me to the brim with all of your sperm-filled cum that will make my pussy tingle and drip while I moan like a needy little whore for you. I just want you to put a baby in my perfect little frame, grow that gorgeous belly, and in the end produce the best results. A sweet little baby of my very own.

It’s been a fantasy of mine for quite some time to be impregnated by a perfect stranger. Having him come up to me on the street, pull me back against him, and just slip himself up my skirt. I wouldn’t even scream, I’d just sit there quietly whimpering like a needy slut as I was filled like a little whore.

Don’t you think about stuff like that? About using a hot young girl and making her totally yours. So yours that she’s actually made to carry your seed?

I want to walk down the street dripping with cum knowing what you’ve done. That I’m perfectly fertile and ready to have a sweet little babe. Anxiously reading the test, getting horny in remembrance of what you’ve done. How you’ve pumped all your cum into my tight shaved pussy, just filling me up for your own selfish gain.

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