No limits phone sex with your drugged up rag doll

No limits phone sexI lie here limp, as you rip through me wet, tight pussy.  This is the No limits phone sex of my dreams!  I knew you have been wanting me for a while. The way your cock stands at attention every time I catch your attention was comical. I didn’t think you had the balls to ask me out take what was yours. L clearly underestimated you and your cock need to feel me.

Your cock is massive, and I can fill how full I am. I hurts and I groan a little, but I can’t right back. You were feeding me drinks all night and that last one had a kick. I know you drugged me to guarantee you could get your dick wet! The funny thing is baby you could have saved the money you spent! I’m a slut who is easy I would have given it had you asked! I hate that I am going in and out and I can’t enjoy this cock. God it’s so big and so hard it barely fits in my sweet spot.

I feel you rams before I hear you say, “Yeah bitch this is my pussy and I was going to get it one way or another!” you ripped my head back by a handful of hair. Look at you my beautiful rag doll I’m going to rape your ass now I hope you don’t care!” you laughed as you shove that cock balls deep in my ass. You pound me deep and hard and all I could do was gasp.

I am a dirty whore, and this is exactly what I deserve! I’m just glad that you asserted your dominance and took me as you should! There is no stopping you now, you are going to take me at will.  Good thing I’m a crazy whore and that thought gives me a thrill!

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