Phone sex whore fuck me, bend me over, take me anyway.

Phone sex whore            Phone sex whore fuck me, bend me over, take my anyway. Like another word for whore is mistress. Call girl. Obviously, I could keep going. Being a mistress however means that I am a step above a street walker. It’s important to realize the difference. As long as I keep myself disease free and my mouth shut (except when it it’s wrapped around a cock) then I am a good blonde mistress. Now I know you know the saying that blondes have more fun.

            Like for sure. We do. Not expected to have brains. Being a ditz gives us an excuse. I mean half the time I can’t even remember the name of my latest guy who pays my bills. Pulls my hair. Looking up at him as I suck that cock. After all my lack of memory on names keeps them happy.

            Just another whore to be fucked. Any way they liked it. Wanted to be perverted. Then be it. Chances are without a name how could I ever come back. On the positive side keeping me in the house, paying my bills, is a sure-fire way to make sure that you never catch anything bad and the wife need never know. After all, what they don’t know doesn’t hurt them. So, the whore or the mistress phone sex is the same thing.

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